Paediatric Endocrinology (PE)


PE Subspecialty Board

List of Membership of Subspecialty Board (June 2022 - May 2025)
List of Membership of Subspecialty Board (May 2019 - May 2022)

Application for Accreditation of Subspecialty of Paediatric Endocrinology

  1. Subspecialty Application Form
  2. Supporting members' signatures
  3. Appendix 1
  4. Proposal of Subspecialty Training Programme on PEMM
Revised Application (21 Sep 2016)
  1. Subspecialty Application Form
  2. Supporting members' signatures
  3. Proposal of Subspecialty Training Programme on Paediatric Endocrinology

External Assessor

Professor M Dattani

Training Programme

Training Programme (with effect from 2 January 2020)

Miscellaneous Forms of the PE Training Programme

  1. Log Sheet of Minimal Clinical Experience
  2. Progress Summary of Trainee
  3. Progress Assessment of Clinical and Professional Competence
  4. Guidelines for Exit Assessment




20 October 2023: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 1st January 2024)

8 August 2023: Call for Applicaiton for Exit Assessment to be held on 27 November 2023

3 November 2022: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 1st January 2023)

2 September 2022: Call for Application for Exit Assessment to be held on 22 November 2022

19 October 2021: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme 

11 November 2020: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 2nd January 2021)

29 November 2019: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 2nd January 2020)

7 November 2017: Announcement of the application for accreditation of Subspecialty of Paediatric Endocrinology (PE)

8 July 2015: Application for Accreditation of the Subspecialty 


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