4th Hong Kong-Guangdong-Shanghai-Chongqing Paediatric Exchange Meeting (12 September 2014)


Call for Registration

Dear Fellows / Members / Associates,

We are pleased to announce that the above Meeting will be held in Chongqing on 12 September (Friday) this year. It will be a half-day event on Friday afternoon (12 September 2014).

Meeting date: 12 September 2014 (Friday)
Time: 1:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Venue: Chongqing Yuelai International Convention Center重慶巿悅來會展中心
Sign in date: 11 September 2014 (Thursday)

The Meeting will be one of the programs of the National Paediatric Congress中華醫學會第十九次全國兒科學術大會 ( http://www.nccps.org/2014/cn ), which will run from 12-15 Sept.  Besides invited lectures from speakers from Guangdong, Chongqing, Shanghai and HK, there will be 2 sessions for oral free paper presentation and poster presentation at the Exchange Meeting.  A program run-down is attached for your reference.

This biennial event is a good opportunity for colleagues from HK and China to meet and share their clinical and research experience.  Registration is free.  College will cover the expenses of return airfare and 3 nights' hotel accommodation, to a maximum amount of HK$4,000 per person, for fifteen (15) colleagues to attend this Meeting.  Priority will be given to Invited Speakers, members who have submitted oral or poster presentations, colleagues having official duties at the Meeting and members of the Organizing Committee of the event. 

Please register for the Meeting by completing and returning the attached Registration Form to the College Secretariat on or before Friday 8 August 2014.

Interested colleagues please book your air-tickets early.  Reimbursement will be arranged by the College Secretariat after the Exchange Meeting for colleagues with College sponsorships.

N.B. For those who are also interested in attending the National Paediatric Congress, please register at this link ( http://www.nccps.org/2014/user_cn/user_login.asp ).

We look forward to your participation and contribution, and see you at the Meeting!

Scientific & Research Sub-Committee
HK College of Paediatricians

Call for Abstract

We are pleased to announce that the above Meeting will be held in 重慶巿悅來會展中心 Chongqing (重慶) on 12 September (Friday) this year. The Meeting will be part of the National Paediatric Congress, which will be held from 12 to 14 September 2014.  The Exchange Meeting will be a half-day event on Friday afternoon of 12 September.  Meeting details including the scientific programme will be announced in due course.  Besides invited lectures from speakers from Guangdong, Chongqing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, there will be 2 sessions for oral free paper presentation and poster presentation at the Exchange Meeting. Fellows and Members are encouraged to submit papers for these sessions.  2 papers will be selected for oral presentation.  As recognition, some form of sponsorship will be provided by the College.

Please send your abstracts by email to Prof. Albert M. Li ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) with copies to the College Secretariat  ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ). 

The deadline for submission of abstract is Monday, 28 July 2014.

Thank you for your support.

Abstract Form 


Registration Form 

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