HKCPaed-HKSPIAID Joint Position Statement on Allergy and BioNTech Vaccination

Dear College Members,

The Hong Kong College of Paediatricians and Hong Kong Society for Paediatric Immunology Allergy and Infectious Diseases Joint Position Statement on BioNTech Vaccination in Adolescents with Allergic Diseases

Kindly please find the latest recommendations issued from the College (HKCPaed) and The Hong Kong Society for Paediatric Immunology, Allergy and Infectious Diseases (HKSPIAID) as of 15th June 2021.

NEW! Appendix 2 : A list of PEG-containing and non-PEG-containing antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) available in local HA hospitals (the following lists are amended on 28 June 2021 and then 19 July 2021).

Official Statement


Contributors to the Position Statement

Best regards

College Secretariat

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