Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
30th Anniversary Scientific Meeting cum HM Lui Memorial Fund 20th Anniversary Symposium
Please be informed that our College will hold its 30th Anniversary Scientific Meeting on 4 and 5 December 2021 (Saturday and Sunday).
The first day will be in a hybrid format with on-site presentations at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building and simultaneous online broadcasting. A number of sponsoring companies will set up exhibition booths on-site to disseminate health information to participants. The College Annual General Meeting, Fellowship Conferment Ceremony and 30th Anniversary Celebratory Dinner will follow right after this first-day programme. The second day of this Scientific Meeting will be held only virtually. A number of overseas speakers as well as local experts will present on topics related to the following three themes: (1) Training and Preparing Future Paediatricians; (2) COVID-19 in Children: Vaccines and Beyond; and (3) What the Future Holds for our Children. Concurrently, HM Lui Memorial Fund will celebrate its 20th Anniversary by holding a symposium in this Scientific Meeting. Nine awardees will present their training experiences. Besides these symposia, several companies will sponsor lunch lectures on both days to focus on important topics such as childhood vaccines and common skin and infectious diseases. A number of companies will also set up exhibition booths on-site on the first day to disseminate useful health and medical information to the participants.
CME points will be awarded to Fellows participating in the 2-day symposium. Our College is going to standardize the method of recording your online participation using the Google Form that is accessible via QR code (or URL link) displayed on screen at the beginning, break and end of the CME sessions.
Colleagues attending the programme physically on the first day will continue to sign on the CME attendance sheet.
Please mark the dates so that you will not miss this landmark scientific event of our College. The tentative scientific programme is shown in the Appendix for colleagues’ reference, while the final programme will be sent to College members, Chiefs of Service and Training Supervisor of training units via emails in due course.
We look forward to having your continuous support and participation in this 30th Anniversary College activity!
E-programme book
Programme Rundown [last update: 3 Dec 2021]
Poster of HKCPaed 30th ASM
Click here to enter Pre-Registration platform
ASM videos
4th December 2021
5th December 2021