49th Exit Assessment, 15 December 2022 (Thursday)
Dear Members,
The next Exit Assessment of the College will be held on 15 December 2022 (Thursday). Attached please find an announcement, application form, FORM A and FORM B for your information. Members wishing to sit this Exit Assessment can send your completed applications to the College from 1 September 2022 (Thursday) onwards until 29 September 2022 (Thursday).
Please be reminded to include FORM A (Record of Higher Training in Paediatrics) and FORM B (Checklist for Dissertations) in your submission. Both hard and soft copies of your dissertations should also be submitted.
1.For all trainees who started their basic paediatric training on or after 1 July 2009, a proof of completion of a formal Child Protection Course within their 6-year Paediatric Training Programme should be submitted along with the application.
2.For all trainees who started their higher paeditric training on or after 1st July 2020, a proof of completion of a formal Paediatric Palliative Care Course within their 6-year Paediatric Training Programme should be submitted along with the application.
3.Dissertations submitted for this Exit Assessment will be considered for the 2023 Best Dissertation Prize awarded by the College. Case reports will not be considered for the Prize.
Thank you for your kind attention.
College Secretariat