Subspecialty of Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics - Invitation for enrollment of Training Programme (commencing from 3rd January 2023)

Dear Members and Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians,


Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP) is now recognized as a Paediatric Subspecialty in the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. It has been registered in the Specialist Register of The Medical Council of Hong Kong since 3 July 2013. We are now calling for application enrollment of DBP trainees for Year 2023. Please kindly find enclosed files of Training ProgrammeApplication Information and Training Application Form for your attention. Information is also available at the College website:


Please be reminded that the training programme will commence from 3rd January 2023. The deadline for enrollment of the DBP Training Programme will be on 16 November 2022, (Wednesday), 5:00 pm. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.


Best regards,

Dr Purdy Chan

Honorary Secretary
DBP Subspecialty Board
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c/o Stephanie Lai

College Secretary

Hong Kong College of Paediatriicians

T: (852) 2871 8842

F: (852) 2785 1850

Email:  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it






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