Accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Cardiology (PC) - Call for Application for First Fellows
To: All Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
Accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Cardiology (PC) - Call for Application for First Fellows
Please spend a few minutes to read this IMPORTANT announcement about the Accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Cardiology. The College is now calling interested Fellows to apply for accreditation as FIRST FELLOW in the Subspecialty. Please browse the Announcement file (with Appendix 1 & 2) and Application Form inserted.
Kindly note that the deadline of the application will be on 31 July 2024 (Wednesday).
Thank you.
Best Regards,
Prof LI Chi-kong
Director of Subspecialty Boards
Committee for Subspecialty Boards (CSB)
cc Prof LAM Hugh Simon Hung San, President
Dr Frankie CHENG, Hon Secretary, CSB
c/o Stephanie LAI
College Secretariat
Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
Tel: (852) 2871 8842
Fax: (852) 2785 1850
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