Message from College President
I am deeply humbled and honoured to take on the role of the tenth President of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. This role comes with great responsibility, and I am grateful for the trust you have bestowed upon me.
Over the past three decades, we, members and fellows, have contributed to and witnessed the proud achievements that our College has made. As we move forward together, I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to our predecessors whose relentless dedication, wisdom, and trailblazing efforts have built a robust foundation and shaped the College into what it is today.
The core virtue of our College, to promote and to ensure the highest standard in paediatric education and child healthcare, remains a steadfast beacon to guide our path. This unwavering commitment has been handed down from our predecessors, reflecting their vision to groom paediatricians of the highest calibre and their devotion to the wellbeing of children. It is this virtue that underpins every step we make and ensures that we strive for excellence in all we undertake.
While our core values remain unchanged, we need to recognize that the world around us is evolving, changing at a pace that is beyond the imagination of even the most prophetic visionary beyond his or her time. We are seeing the mode of teaching being reshaped from passive to active self-directed learning, we are experiencing the fifth revolution wherein human ingenuity and disruptive technologies merge, and we are beginning to embrace the dawn of education technology that represents the intersection where teaching and digital media meet. We are nurturing trainees belonging to generation Z and alpha, with unique insights in learning, fluidity in traversing between the physical and digital worlds, and innovative approaches to tackle old and emerging child health problems. The establishment of the Hong Kong Children's Hospital, which is in operation for more than half a decade, is a pivotal moment that encourages us to reflect not only on the organization of paediatric services but also the training opportunities to be offered to the future generation of paediatricians.
It is evident that our College must acknowledge and respond to these changes to stay vibrant, relevant, and fit for purpose. Our newly revamped paediatric training curriculum, which addresses contemporary paediatric needs, is based on competence and outcome with incorporation of more formative and workplace-based assessments. Notwithstanding, we should explore together the strategy of its implementation, one that is feasible, sustainable, and best for the interests of our trainees. The importance of our College to engage members and young fellows cannot be overemphasized, for they are the torchbearers of our legacy. It is our responsibility to mentor and to guide them as they become next generation of paediatricians, ensuring the baton of excellence is seamlessly passed on. Beyond Hong Kong, our College shall continue to collaborate with national and international professional societies and organizations to contribute to the advancement of the art and science of paediatrics.
As we look to the future, the path ahead is one we will navigate together. Each of you, members and fellows, has a vital role to play in our collective endeavour. Through our concerted efforts, we shall continue to uphold the highest standards of paediatric care. I am excited about the future we will shape together and look forward to the greater achievements of our esteemed College.
Yiu-fai Cheung