Paediatric Inherited Metabolic Medicine (PIMM)
PIMM Subspecialty Board
Membership (to be advised)
Application for Accreditation of Subspecialty of Paediatric Inherited Metabolic Medicine
Vetting Committee
1st meeting on January / February 2025 (to be confirmed)
Open Consultation
deadline: to be confirmed
Call for Application of First Fellows
Paediatric Inherited Metabolic Medicine - First Fellows Application Form (Deadline: to be confirmed)
Accreditation of Training Centre
(deadline : 12 weeks from the date to COSs, i.e. to be confimed)
Assessment Sub-Committee
First meeting held on (to be confimred)
Second meeting held on (to be confirmed)
Establishment of Provisional Subspecialty Board of PIMM
List of membership PSB PIMM (endorsed by Council on ddmmyyyy)
Accreditation Visit from Overseas Assessor
date to be confirmed
Application for the Accreditation of Training Centre for Subspecialty of Paediatric Inherited Metabolic Medicine (PIMM)
(to be confimred)
Paediatric Inhertied Metabolic Medicine - Call for First Fellows Announcement (deadline: to be confirmed)
Announcement about the application for Accreditation of the Proposed Subspecialty of Paediatric Inherited Metabolic Medicine (PIMM) - Open Consultation (deadline: to be confirmed)