Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP)


DBP Subspecialty Board


Application for Accreditation of Subspecialty of Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics

  1. Subspecialty Application Form
  2. Supporting members' Signatures
  3. DBP Subspecialty Programme Proposal
  4. Appendices 1 - 20 (large zip file for download - 10MB)
  5. Letters of Support from External Assessors

Subspecialty of DBP Training Programme 

Logsheets and Miscellaneous Forms for DBP Training Programme

1.   Generic for all

2. Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics Foundation Module

3. Child Public Health

4. Clinical Genetics

5. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry  

6.   Paediatric Neurology

7. Electives (use Generic forms as appropriate)

DBP Exit Examination Documents for January 2024

Documents for Candidates

1. Announcement of Exit Assessment for Subspecialty Fellows [EA-2024] [EA-2018]  [EA-2015]

2. Certified true copy of Annual Practising Certificate (current year)

3. Certified true copy of the letter from College stating acceptance and date of commencement of the candidate's training programme

4. Guidelines for Exit Examination [EA-Guidelines 2018]

5. Application for Exit Assessment [EA-Application Form 2024[EA-Application Form 2018]

6. App I_Summary of Training RecordApp II_Record Sheet  [EA-TP 2018]

7. Checklist for Dissertations, Presentations and Case Report [EA-DP 2018]

8. Four hard copies and a soft copy of 2 dissertatoins

9. A cheque of HK$6,000 for Exit Assessment fee made payable to "Hong Kong College of Paediatricians"

Forms for Programme Director

5-set Interim Assessment for Programme Director's evaluation for different modules

1. Child & Adolescent Psychiatry module (CAP)

2. Clinical Genetics module  in DBP (CG)

3. Child Public Health module in DBP (CPH)

4. DBP Foundation module (DBP)

5. Child Neurology module (PN)






28th October 2024  Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 2nd January 2025)

9th April 2024  Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 2nd July 2024)

17th October 2023 Call for Application of Exit Assessment (18th January 2024)

17th October 2022: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 3rd January 2023)

25th April 2022: Call for Application of Exit Assessment (27th July 2022)

2nd March 2020: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 2nd July 2020)

9th April 2018: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 1st July 2018)

11th January 2018: Call for Application of Exit Assessment

25th February 2015: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 2 July 2015)  

22nd July 2014: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 2 January 2015)

2nd January 2014: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (Commencing from 1 July 2014)

3rd October 2013: Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programmme (Commencing from 1 Dec 2013)

13th May 2013: Final Call for Application of First Fellows

18th June 2012: Call for Applications of First Fellows


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