Reminder - Call for Application of First Fellows in the Subspecialty of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine (PRM)


Dear Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, Please be reminded that the deadline of application for First Fellows of Subspecialty in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine (PRM) will be on 19 April 2015. The announcement and application form are re-enclosed for your reference.   Best regards,   Dr Sik Nin WONGPresident    



Newsletter-2015-04 April College Newsletter To: All Fellows, Members and Associates of the College, College Newsletter, April, 2015 Issue Please find the April College newsletter for your information. Best regards, College SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians

2015-2016 Specialist Training Course


Dear Associates, Re: 2015 - 2016 Specialist Training Course in Paediatrics We are pleased to inform you that the 2015-2016 Specialist Training Course in Paediatrics is now open for registration. Attached please find an application form and a course prospectus for your information. Please kindly fill in the application form and mail it to our College Secretariat together with the cheque before 1 April 2015 (Wednesday). Please kindly note that application without payment will NOT be processed. Thank you for your attention.   College Secretariat

MRCPCH Foundation of Practice, Theory & Science Examination (formerly Part I), 9th June 2015(Tuesday)


Dear Associates, Please be informed that the next MRCPCH Foundation of Practice, Theory & Science Examination will be held on 9th June 2015.  Candidates wishing to sit this exam in HK must apply both online using the RCPCH website ( ) AND submit paper applications to our College.  Please study carefully the details of application as outlined in the attached circular. Application period23 Mar 2015 – 7 Apr 2015 Examination FeeFOP & TAS (both papers)       HK$7,250FOP only (single paper)         HK$4,500TAS only (single paper)          HK$4,500 Payment should be made payable to Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. Thank you for your attention. College Secretariat

Paediatric Update No. 1 - Clinical Pharmacology


Dear Associates / Members / Fellows, The Paediatric Update No. 1 of our College is scheduled to be held on 26 April 2015 (Sunday afternoon) from 2pm to 5pm at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The focus is on "Clinical Pharmacology". Several exciting talks will be delivered by our local experts. We look forward to your support and participation in this CME activity. Please register early with the College Secretariat if car parking is required. TWO Category A CME points will be awarded. For programme details, please refer to the Poster. Please note that an Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM) will be held during this seminar for revision of College Articles and Bye-Laws and admission of new College Fellows who passed the exit examination in December 2014. The 2015 Paediatric Update No. 2 has been scheduled in July 2015. The 2015 Annual Scientific Meeting will be held on 5 and 6 December 2015.   College Secretariat

Subspecialty of Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics - Invitation for enrollment of Training Programme (commencing from 2nd July 2015)


Dear Associates/Members/Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, Re:   Subspecialty of Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP) – Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (commencing from 2nd July 2015)   The Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP) is now recognised as a Paediatric Subspecialty in the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, it has been registered in the Specialist Register in The Medical Council of Hong Kong since 3 July 2013.We are now calling for application enrollment of DBP trainees for Year 2015, please kindly find enclosed files of Training Programme,  Application Information and Training Application Form for your attention.  Information is also available at the College website:   Please be reminded that the training programme will commence from 2nd July 2015. The deadline for enrollment of the DBP Training Programme will be on 18th March, 2015, Wednesday, 5:00 pm.If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.   Best regards,     Dr Patrick IpHonorary SecretaryDBP Subspecialty Board(Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )   c/o Kitty HoCollege SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians   Tel: 2871 8769Fax: 2785 1850Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

MRCPCH Applied Knowledge in Practice (previously Part II) Examination, 12th May 2015 (Tuesday)


Dear Associates,  Please be informed that the next MRCPCH Applied Knowledge in Practice Examination will be held on 12th May 2015.  Candidates wishing to sit the above exam in HK must apply both online using the RCPCH website ( ) AND submit paper applications to our College.  Please study carefully the details of application as outlined in the attached circular. Application period23rd February 2015 – 6th March 2015 Examination FeeHK$8,400 Payment should be made payable to Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. Attached please find an Application Form C for your use.  Remarks: 1. All theory exams have been moved to computer-based testing since January 2015. Please refer to the RCPCH website for more CBT information:  2. Sample examination questions are available on the RCPCH website for candidates viewing.  Candidates sitting for CBT exams are strongly advised to study these sample questions at this link ( ).  3. Candidates can sit the MRCPCH theory exams in any order, and are allowed to take the Applied Knowledge in Practice Exam as their first MRCPCH theory exam. Thank you for your kind attention.   College Secretariat  

Subspecialty of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine (PRM) - Call for Application of First Fellows


To All Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians Please spend a few minutes to read this important announcement about the Accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine (PRM).  The College is also calling interested Fellows to apply for accreditation as First Fellow in the Subspecialty.  The application form is attached. Please also note that the deadline for application is 19 April 2015.   Dr Sik Nin WongPresident

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