

February College Newsletter To: All Fellows, Members and Associates of the College, College Newsletter, February, 2015 Issue Please find the February College newsletter for your information. Best regards, College SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians

34th Exit Assessment, 18th June 2015 (Thursday)


Dear Members, The next Exit Assessment of the College will be held on 18th June 2015 (Thursday).  Attached please find an announcement, application form, FORM A and FORM B for your information.  Members wishing to sit this Exit Assessment can send your completed applications to the College from now until 31st March 2015 (Tuesday). Please be reminded to include FORM A (Record of Higher Training in Paediatrics) and FORM B (Checklist for Dissertations) in your submission.  Both hard and soft copies of your dissertations should also be submitted. From 2015, dissertations submitted for Exit Assessments will be considered for the Best Dissertation Prize awarded by the College every year.  Case reports will not be considered for the Prize. Thank you for your kind attention.   College Secretariat

HM Lui Fellowship Award 2015 (for Local Paediatricians)


To: All Fellows, Members and Associates of the College HM Lui Fellowship Award 2015 Please find attached an announcement of the HM Lui Fellowship Award for Year 2015, inviting applications from Hong Kong paediatricians.  If you are interested, please submit your completed application to the College Secretariat before 31 March 2015. Application Form 2015 Application Notes 2015   College SecretariatHong Kong College of PaediatriciansTel: (852) 2871 8871Fax: (852) 2785 1850Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

Call for Application - Research and Grant Writing Skills Training Workshop 2015


To: All Fellows, Members and Associates of the College Research and Grant Writing Skills Training Workshop The College is going to organize the second "Research and Grant Writing Skills Training Workshop" in April 2015. This workshop is aimed to support both the trainees planning for research projects as part of their specialist training, as well as more experienced researchers considering submissions to Health and Medical Research Fund (HMRF). The objective of this workshop is to facilitate attendants, through guidance at their research planning and proposal stage to commence with a solid start, or to apply such skills in the near future. This workshop is designed to provide expert consultation to attendants through working with them on individual proposed projects, providing information, advice and step-by-step guidance on research design and methodology, and on grant writing skills for those planning such submissions. As a prerequisite for participation, applicants are required to submit a brief summary of their research proposal detailing title and literature review of their research topic, study design, methodology and outcome measures, at the time of their application. Each application will be reviewed and rated by the organizing committee, and successful applicants will be notified 4 weeks prior to the start of the workshop. If appropriate, the organizer may facilitate those with similar study design to work as small groups to learn and provide support for each other. If you are interested, please email summary of your research proposal and application form to ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ) or fax (2636 0020) to register. As spaces are limited for this workshop, we will operate on a "first come, first served' policy. Deadline for application is 16th February 2015.   Organizing TeamResearch & Grant Writing Skills Training WorkshopScientific & Research Subcommittee



To: All Fellows, Members and Associates of the College, College Newsletter, December, 2014 Issue Please find the December College newsletter for your information. Best regards, College SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians

MRCPCH Foundation of Practice, Theory & Science Examination (formerly Part I), 10th February 2015 (Tuesday)


Dear Associates, Please be informed that the next MRCPCH Foundation of Practice, Theory & Science Examination will be held on 10th February 2015.  Candidates wishing to sit this examination in HK must apply both online using the RCPCH website ( ) AND submit paper applications to our College. Please study carefully the details of application as outlined in the attached circular. Application period17 November 2014 – 28 November 2014 Examination FeeFOP & TAS (both papers)   HK$7,250FOP only (single paper)      HK$4,500TAS only (single paper)       HK$4,500 Payment should be made payable to Hong Kong College of Paediatricians.  Thank you for your attention. College Secretariat

MRCPCH Clinical Examination, 10-11 February 2015 (Tue, Wed)


Dear Associates  Attached please find a circular detailing the application procedures for the above exam.  Application period is from 5 November 2014 to 5 December 2014.  Relevant application forms and documents can be downloaded from the College website.   Please note that a Candidate Declaration Form will need to be completed and submitted with Application Form D.  Examination FeeHK$15,800 Payment should be made payable to Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. Thank you for your kind attention.  College Secretariat

Update Information on Clinical Practice – 3rd Issue


Dear Fellows, Members and Associates, Update on Infective Endocarditis Prophylaxis Guideline (AHA 2007)NC Fong, on behalf of the Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Cardiology We are pleased to inform you that the 3rd issue of the "Update Information on Clinical Practice" has been released. It has been placed on our website under the section of "Publication". We hope you find such information useful. The College would like to give special thanks to Dr. NC Fong for providing this update. College SecretariatHong Kong College of Paediatricians

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