Dear Fellows, Members and Associates of the College,
Annual Social Function 2014
Half-day Tour to Kam Shan Country Park (Monkey Hill) & Jao Tsung-I Academy
馬騮山德羅塘 - 饒宗頤文化館 - 銀杏館晚宴 - 大半天身心文化吃喝玩樂之旅
The College Social Function will take place on 2 November 2014, Sunday. It starts with a tour to Kam Shan Country Park (Monkey Hill) where participants can enjoy scenic beauty of the Kam Shan Family Walk. It will be followed by a trip to Jao Tsung-I Academy. A half-hour guided tour will be provided by the Academy, after which participants can tour around the Academy at will. Dinner will be served at Gingko House, a social enterprise creating job opportunities for the elderly.
Kam Shan Country Park (Monkey Hill): http://www.afcd.gov.hk/english/country/cou_vis/cou_vis_cou/cou_vis_cou_ks/cou_vis_cou_ks.html
Jao Tsung-I Academy: http://www.jtia.hk/
Gingko House: http://www.restaurant.org.hk/
Registration is on a first come, first served basis. Please send the reply slip to the College by fax 2785 1850 or by email:
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together with your cheque payment.
Deadline for registration is 15 October 2014.
for Dr Huen Kwai FunChairpersonProfessional & General Affairs Committee
Toni ChanCollege Secretary