Update Series on Child Health 2014


Dear Fellows / Members / Associates, The Update Series on Child Health is jointly organized by Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, the Hong Kong Paediatric Society and Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association annually. This year, We have four seminars with reputed specialists speaking on a variety of topics of interest to paediatricians, general practitioners and paediatric nurses. The first seminar is scheduled on Saturday afternoon 28 June 2014. Please see the full programme, relevant registration form and map of the venue attached for your reference and information. College Secretariat

Subspecialty of Paediatric Nerurology (PN) - Invitation for enrollment of Training Programme for year 2014-15 [commencing from 1 July 2014]


Dear Associates/Members/Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, Re:    Subspecialty of Paediatric Neurology (PN) – Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (commencing from 1 July 2014) The Paediatric Neurology (PN) is now recognised as a Paediatric Subspecialty in the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, it has been registered in the Specialist Register in The Medical Council of Hong Kong since 6 November 2013. The PN Subspecialty Board now invites application from trainees for enrolment in the Training Programme.  Please kindly find enclosed files of Training Programme,  Application Information together with  Training Application Form for your attention.  Information is also available at the College website: www.paediatrician.org.hk Please be reminded that the training programme will commence from 1st July 2014.  The deadline for enrollment of the PN Training Programme for the year 2014-15 will be on 1st June, 2014. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Best regards, Dr Kwong Ling, Karen Honorary Secretary Paediatric Neurology Subspecialty Board (Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )   c/o Kitty HoCollege SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians Tel: 2871 8769Fax: 2785 1850Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   

Specialist Training Course 2014-15


Dear Associates, 2014 - 2015 Specialist Training Course in Paediatrics We are pleased to inform you that the 2014-2015 Specialist Training Course in Paediatrics is now open for registration. Attached please find an application form and a course prospectus for your information. Please kindly fill in the application form and mail it to our College Secretariat together with the cheque before 23 April 2014. Please kindly note that application without payment will NOT be processed. Thank you for your kind attention. College Secretariat



Newsletter-2014-04 To: All Fellows, Members and Associate of the College Please be informed that the 2014 April issue of College Newsletter is now available. You can view and download the issue at this link. Best regards, Kimmy WONGCollege SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians

Paediatric Update No. 1 - 27 April 2014


Dear Fellows / Members / Associates, The Paediatric Update No. 1 of our College co-organized with Hong Kong Society of Medical Genetics is scheduled to be held on 27 April 2014 (Sunday afternoon) from 2pm to 5pm at Queen Elizabeth Hospital.  The focus is on "Paediatric Genetics / Genomics".  Several exciting talks will be given by our local experts together with a prominent guest speaker from the Byalor College of Medicine, USA.  We look forward to your support and participation in this CME activity.  Please register early with the College Secretariat if car park is required.  For programme details, please refer to the Poster.   College Secretariat

Child Protection Course 2014


Dear All Associate members, Members and Fellow members, Please be informed that the Hong Kong College of Pediatricians will conduct the 7th Child Protection Course on 10 May 2014 (Saturday).  Associate members, Members and Fellows of the College are welcome to apply, but priority will be given to trainees.  The deadline for application is 14 April, 2014.  Please kindly note that the above-mentioned course has become a mandatory requirement within the six year of pediatric training of College trainees who start their basic training on or after 1st July 2009 and the next course in 2015 will be held on 28 November 2015 (Saturday). Enclosed please find the poster with the application form for your reference. College Secretariat        

MRCPCH Foundation of Practice, Theory & Science Examination (formerly Part I), 10th June 2014 (Tuesday)


Dear Associates,  Please be informed that the next MRCPCH Foundation of Practice, Theory & Science Examination will be held in HK on 10th June 2014.  Candidates wishing to sit the above MRCPCH examination in HK must apply both online using the RCPCH website ( https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/user ) AND submit paper applications to our College.  Please study carefully the details of application as outlined in the attached circular. Application period24 March 2014 – 11 April 2014 Examination FeeFOP & TAS (both papers)       HK$7,250FOP only (single paper)          HK$4,500TAS only (single paper)          HK$4,500 Payment should be made payable to Hong Kong College of Paediatricians.  Thank you for your attention. College Secretariat

Newsletter 2014 February issue


To: All Fellows, Members and Associate of the College Please be informed that the 2014 February issue of College Newsletter is now available. You can view and download the issue at this link. Best regards, Kimmy WONGCollege SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians

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