MRCPCH Applied Knowledge in Practice (Part II) Exam 13 May 2014 Tuesday


Dear Associates, Please be informed that the next MRCPCH Applied Knowledge in Practice Examination will be held in Hong Kong on 13th May 2014.  Candidates wishing to sit the above MRCPCH examination in HK must apply both online using the RCPCH website ( ) AND submit paper applications to our College.  Please study carefully the details of application as outlined in the exam announcement. Application period3 – 21 March 2014 Examination FeeHK$8,400 Payment should be made payable to Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. Application Form C can be downloaded via this link. * Due to the recent change in examination rules, candidates are eligible to sit the MRCPCH written exams in any order, and permitted to take the Applied Knowledge in Practice Exam as their first MRCPCH written exam. Thank you for your kind attention. College Secretariat

32nd Exit Assessment, 19th June 2014


Dear Members, 32nd Exit Assessment, 19th June 2014 (Thursday) The next Exit Assessment of the College will be held on 19th June 2014 (Thursday).  Detailed announcement, application form, FORM A and FORM B can be downloaded from this link ( Members wishing to sit this Exit Assessment can send your completed applications to the College from now until 1st April 2014 (Tuesday). Please be reminded to include FORM A (Record of Higher Training in Paediatrics) and FORM B (Checklist for Dissertations) in your submission.  Also, both hard and soft copies of your dissertations should also be submitted. Thank you for your kind attention. College Secretariat

Gallery Updated


Dear Fellows, Members and Associates, We have pleasure in informing you that more photos have been added to the Gallery under sections on Social Fucntions, Ceremonies and Exaiminations. Please check them out.  College SecretariatHong Kong College of Paediatricians

Subspecialty of Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics - Invitation for enrollment of Training Programme (commencing from 1 July 2014)


Dear Associates/Members/Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, Re:    Subspecialty of Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP) – Invitation for Enrollment of Training Programme (commencing from 1 July 2014) The Developmental-Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP) is now recognised as a Paediatric Subspecialty in the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians, it has been registered in the Specialist Register in The Medical Council of Hong Kong since 3 July 2013. We are now calling for application enrollment of DBP trainees for Year 2014, please kindly find enclosed files of Training Programme,  Application Information and Training Application Form for your attention.  Information is also available at the College website: Please be reminded that the training programme will commence from 1st July 2014.  The deadline for enrollment of the DBP Training Programme will be on 24th January, 2014, Friday, 5 pm. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Best regards, Dr Patrick Ip Honorary Secretary DBP Subspecialty Board (Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it )   c/o Kitty HoCollege SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians Tel: 2871 8769Fax: 2785 1850Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

HM Lui Fellowship Award 2014 (for Local Paediatricians)


To : All Fellows, Members and Associates of the College HM Lui Fellowship Award 2014 Please find attached an announcement of the HM Lui Fellowship Award for Year 2014, inviting applications from Hong Kong paediatricians.  If you are interested, please submit your completed application to the College Secretariat by 31 March 2014. Application Form 2014 Application Notes 2014   College Secretariat Hong Kong College of Paediatricians Tel: (852) 2871 8871 Fax: (852) 2785 1850 Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it    



Newsletter-2013-12 To: All Fellows, Members and Associate of the College Please be informed that the 2013 December issue of College Newsletter is now available. You can view and download the issue at this link. Best regards,   Kimmy WONGCollege SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians

AM730 - Articles contributed by Fellows of Hong Kong College of Paediatricians


Articles contributed by Fellows of our College in the weekly health column of AM730:  27/11/2013 -- 嬰幼兒聽力篩選檢查 -- 王偉廉醫生 20/11/2013 -- 預防乙肝 注射疫苗還不夠 -- 周中武醫生 13/11/2013 -- 兒童期濕疹:適當使用類固醇藥膏 -- 梁銀河醫生 6/11/2013 -- 學前智能測驗 做還是不做 ? -- 李敏尤醫生 30/10/2013 -- 防止青少年自殺:大家的責任 -- 梁寶兒醫生 23/10/2013 -- 孩子也會高血壓? -- 黃錫年醫生 16/10/2013 -- 留意兒童腎病徵兆 -- 賴偉明醫生 9/10/2013 -- 解決孩子拒食問題 -- 陳鳳英醫生 2/10/2013 -- 兒童頭痛應正視 -- 胡信平醫生 31/5/2011 -- 哮喘兒童可正常生活 -- 黃永堅醫生 24/5/2011 --  睡眠窒息可致兒童脾氣差 -- 李民瞻醫生 17/5/2011 -- 導管治兒童心臟病 -- 周啓東醫生 3/5/2011 -- 從小提防兒童癡肥 -- 梁竹筠醫生 26/4/2011 -- 診治孤兒症--扶持孤獨的一群 -- 禤桂芬醫生 19/4/2011 -- 成效存疑的「醫療保險」-- 李志光醫生 12/4/2011 -- 新生兒乙型鏈球菌感染 -- 伍百祥教授  

MRCPCH Clinical Examination 25-26 February 2014


Dear Associates Attached please find a circular detailing the application procedures for the above examination.  Application period is from 18 November 2013 to 16 December 2013.  Relevant application forms and documents can be downloaded from the College website. Please note that a Candidate Declaration Form needs to be completed and submitted with Application Form D. Examination FeeHK$15,800 Payment should be made payable to Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. Thank you for your kind attention. College SecretariatHong Kong College of Paediatricians

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