To All Fellows and Members
Please be informed that the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine has formed a Simulation Training Center (named as Hong Kong Jockey Club Innovative Learning Centre for Medicine – ILCM in the email below). It has entered a collaborative agreement with the Center for Medical Simulation at Harvard, Boston to run Instructor Courses in Hong Kong and to enable HKAM Fellows to receive 3-months Training Courses in Boston (see item 2 and 3 in the email below).
HKAM is now calling for applications from individual Fellows to enroll in the Instructor Courses on 6-7 and 12-13 December 2013 in Hong Kong. The Course fee will be $40000 for individual applications, but reduced to $20000 if supported by Academy Colleges. If you are interested to attend the Courses and wish to have support from our College, please complete the application form and send to our College secretariat with your brief curriculum vitae. Please note that the deadline is 31 Oct 2013.
Attachment 1Attachment 2Attachment 3
Dr SN WongPresidentHong Kong College of Paediatricians
Dear College Presidents
I refer to the ILCM MC report presented at the Council meeting last week.
Please note that there will be three simulation activities organized by our simulation centre in the coming six months or so.
(1) The Simulation Conference and workshops of 10-11 Dec, which is open to individual enrollment. For information and registration, please visit the conference website at: http://hkjcilcm.hk/
(2) There will be two Instructors courses by the Center for Medical Simulation ("CMS"), one in December and one in March next year with 20 participants per course.
(3) We will also invite application for CMS Simulation Fellowship in Boston, and the details will be promulgated in due course.
HA has agreed to fully sponsor a number of nominations for the CMS instructor courses through the COCs and individual HA Training Centers.
In parallel, any HKAM Fellows or Trainees can enroll in the CMS Instructor courses by themselves at a course fee of HK$40,000. We have disseminated this information via eNews. Fellows and trainees who wish to enroll for the course will be charged at HK$20,000, if the nominations are supported by Colleges.
I have enclosed herewith the relevant posters and application form for your kind attention and please encourage your Trainees and Fellows to participate in these activities.
Please contact me if you have further queries.