Final Call for Application of First Fellows of the Subspecialty of Developmental Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP)


To: All Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians Please spend a few minutes to read this IMPORTANT announcement about the Final Call for Application of First Fellows of the Subspecialty of Developmental Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP). The application form is attached. Please also note that the deadline for application is 6 June 2013, Thursday.   for Dr Sik Nin WongSecretary, Working Group for Accreditation of Paediatric Subspecialties in Hong Kong

Appointment of PN Provisional Subspecialty Board


To All Fellows of Hong Kong College of Paediatricians We are pleased to provide a brief update on the progress of accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Neurology within Hong Kong College of Paediatricians. Our College has received the application for accreditation of the Paediatric Neurology Subspecialty in January 2011 and after several rounds of consultation and discussion, the proposed training programme has been revised and finalised. Subsequently the College has called for application from all Fellows who are interested to be First Fellows in the Subspecialty in March 2013 and received an enthusiastic response. The next step will be the formation of the Provisional Subspecialty Board which will then coordinate with College-appointed External Assessor to examine and accredit the training programme, training centers and First Fellows. College Council has resolved to invite Professor Robert Ouvrier from the University of Australia to be our External Assessor. In conjunction with the PN Group, the Working Group has recommended the membership of the Provisional Subspecialty Board as follows: Professor Virginia Wong (Neurologist, University of Hong Kong) Dr Chan Kwok Yin (Neurologist, representing private sector) Dr Wu Shun Ping (Neurologist, Asso. Consultant in Queen Elizabeth Hospital, representing HA) Dr Fung Lai Wah Eva (Neurologist, Asso. Consultant in Prince of Wales Hospital, representing CUHK) Dr Fung Cheuk Wing (Neurologist, Asso. Consultant in Queen Mary Hospital, representing HA) Dr Jonas HM Yeung (Neurologist, Consultant, Dept of Medicine, AHNH, representing Hong Kong College of Physicians) Dr Li Chi Kong (Non-neurologist, representing Council of HKCPaed) This is subject to College Council's endorsement. If you have any questions or comments on the Provisional Subspecialty Board, please send to the College secretariat before 25 April 2013, so that we can confirm and proceed to the preparation of Training Centre accreditation which is scheduled in early July 2013.    Dr SN WongHonorary Secretary For Dr CW ChanChairman, Working Group on Accreditation of Paediatric Subspecialties in Hong Kong

Specialist Training Course in Paediatrics 2013-14


To: All Associates of the College We are pleased to inform you that the 2013-2014 Specialist Training Course in Paediatrics is now open for registration.  Attached please find an application form and a course prospectus for your information.  Kindly register by completing the attached application form and returning it to the College on or before 30th April 2013 (Tuesday).  Please note that cheque payment should accompany your application form.  Application without payment will NOT be processed.  Thank you for your kind attention.    College Secretariat

College Newsletter April 2013


To: All Fellows, Members and Associate of the College, Please be informed that the 2013 April issue of College Newsletter is now available. You can view and download the issue at this link. Best regards, Kimmy WONGCollege SecretaryHong Kong College of Paediatricians

NRP - A Mandatory Training Requirement for All Basic Trainees Admitted On or After 1 July 2013


To: All COSs & training supervisors, Department of Paediatrics, HA Hospitals      Child Assessment Service, DH      Clinical Genetic Service, DH      Family Health Service (MCHCs), DH Dear COSs & training supervisors, Attached is an announcement concerning NRP as a mandatory training requirement for all basic trainees admitted by our College on or after 1 July 2013 for your kind attention. With regards College SecretariatHong Kong College of Paediatricians

Hong Kong Neonatal Resuscitation Program (HK-NRP)


Information about Hong Kong Neonatal Resuscitation Program is added today to the College website as a new menu item under "Training" Section. Members are encouraged to view the related information at this direct link.

NRP Mission


To: All Fellows of the College  Hong Kong College of Paediatricians Foundation will be having the next NRP from 26th May ( Sunday) till 2nd June (Sunday) this year The following is the itineary:- 26 May :    1305-1450 depart from ShenZhen to GuiYang  (RMB 660+180)26 May :    GuiYang to XingYi - to be announced27 - 28 May :    NRP in XingYI29 - 30 May :    Local visits and travel to Nanning30 May :    1340-1450  depart GuiYang to Nanning  (RMB 460+120)31 May - 1 June  :   NRP in Nanning2 June :      1920-2030 Nanning to ShenZhen (RMB 890+120) Hotel rooms should be around RMB 300/night single occupancy.Shuttle transport from HK to ShenZhen around $2100 per van.  We should need two vans.Please indicate whether you prefer single or double occupancy.  The total cost should be around RMB 4,800.00.  Our foundation will provide the meals and local tours. Please provide your name and Return permit No. to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it   for booking ofairticket and hotel accomodation before 25th March 2013. All members of the Foundation and fellows of the college are welcome to join the tour.If you can find anyone who is interested to join, by all means let them have this information. Regards, For Dr. Vincent LEUNGChairman of HKCPF 

Reminder - Call for Application of First Fellows


To: All Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians   Please be kindly reminded that the calling for interested Fellows to apply for accreditation as FIRST FELLOW in the Subspecialty of Paediatric Neurology (PN), the deadline for application is 31st March 2013.   The announcement and application form is re-enclosed for your reference. For those who have or would like to apply for First Fellows in Paediatric Neurology, please be informed that the dates of the Interview Assessment have been tentatively scheduled on 8th and 9th July 2013.  Please reserve these two dates. According to College Guidelines, attendance at the Interview is an essential step in our assessment for admission of First Fellows. Best regards, Dr Sik Nin WONG Secretary, Working Group for Accreditation of Paediatric Subspecialties in Hong Kong

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