Accreditation Committee 

Accreditation of postgraduate training for paediatricians in Hong Kong is underdr tse website 002 the care of the College Accreditation Committee. Its terms of reference as stipulated in the Memorandum and Article of the College stated that "its functions shall be that of assessing the suitability of the various units for training purpose and to advise the Council on the training in paediatrics and the development of paediatric subspecialties". It thus follows that duty of the Accreditation Committee includes policy advisory role to the College Council and accreditation of training institutions, training programmes, trainers and trainees on behalf of the College. 

Chairman: Dr Winnie Tse

Committee members

Announcements from the committee

Accreditation of Training 

Accreditation Committee Guidelines and Procedures (updated on 7 May 2024)

Document Package for Trainees

Document Package for Trainers / Supervisors

Application for Retrospective Accreditation of Training in Paediatrics

Application for Training Interruption

Re-accreditation visits 2017-2018

Certification for Specialist Registration in Paediatrics (S10)


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