Education Committee

wu shun ping

The terms of reference of the Education Committee are to organise and conduct scientific meetings and postgraduate training courses; to promote and support research, and to disseminate and publish educational materials to the medical profession.

The Committee is responsible for organizing the following activities:

There are two subcommittees operating to support the functions of the Education Committee:

Committee members

Postgraduate Training Curriculum and Guidelines

Announcements from the committee

2023-12-02 & 03 (Sat 1400 - 1730 / Sun 0900 - 1300)

Venue: G/F HKAM Jockey Club Building, 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen, HK

2023 Annual Scientific Meeting

[ Poster ]

2023-09-16 (Sat) 1430 - 1630

Venue: M Ground Floor 2, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 30 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon.

2023 Paediatric Update No. 3 - Lab Result Headaches

[ Poster ]


2023-06-24 (Sat) 1400 - 1630 (hybrid)

Paediatric Update No. 2 - Commentaries on the latest international guidelines

[ Poster ]

2023 Paediatric Update No. 2 videos (NEW)


2023-03-25 (Sat) 1430 - 1630 (online)

Paeddiatric Update No I - Paediatric Surprises: Gems from unexpected cases

[ Poster ]


2022-12-03 (Sat) 1400 - 1730 (hybrid)

LPY Lecture Theatre G/F HKAM and zoom webinar

Paediatric Update No II: "Training the Next Generation of Paediatricians - Home and Abroad"

Poster ]


2022-11-26 (Sat) 1255 - 1735

"Safeguarding Out Children in the New Era" (hybrid at HKCH / online zoom)

Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2022 of The Hong Kong Paediatric Society (HKPS), Hong Kong College of Paediatricians (HKCPaed), Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association (HKPNA), & Hong Kong College of Paediatric Nursing (HKCPN)

Abstract form } [ Poster ]


2022-10-12 (Wed) 1830

Special Talk hosted by the Working Group on Curriculum Review

Curriculum Review - What we can learn from RCPCH



2022-09-15 (Thu)

Best Young Investigator Prize 2022 (Deadline of submission: 15 Sep 2022)

[announcement]     [submission form]


2022-06-25 (Sat)

Paediatric Update No I - What Paediatricians Need to Know in Paediatric Haematology & Oncology

[Pamphlet]      [Poster]


2021-12-04 & 05

30th Anniversary Scientific Meeting cum HM Lui Memorial Fund 20th Anniversary Symposium 



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