Safe Paediatric Sedation – Simulation Training for the Enhancement of Sedation of Children in Diagnosis and Therapeutic Procedures

This simulation training is jointly organized by the Hong Kong College of Anaethesiologists, the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians and the Hong Kong College of Paediatric Nursing.

It is held at the Hong Kong Children’s Hospital Simulation Training Centre from February, 2019.

The training is based on the “Practice Recommendation for Sedation of Children in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures” of the Hospital Authority endorsed by the Coordinating Committees in Anaesthesiology and Paediatrics. It aims to provide knowledge and skills to ensure a safe environment for procedural sedation. It highlights important safety precautions with a key focus on the management of serious adverse events. It takes the format of web-based lectures and hands-on scenario-based simulation training. It is a half-day course for doctors and nurses involved in the sedation of children in diagnosis and therapeutic procedures.

This is a mandatory training course for basic trainees of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians who started their basic training on or after July 1, 2015. The training is to be arranged by the Chiefs of Service or Training Supervisors for paediatric trainees. A completion certificate is needed to apply for membership of the College. Nurses working the Hospital Authority need to apply through their Department Operation Manager. The others who are interested to join could write to Hong Kong Children's Hospital Simulation Training Centre: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call +852 5741 4308.

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