Subspecialty of Paediatric Neurology (PN) - Call for Application of Exit Assessment

Dear Trainees of Subspecialty in Paediatric Neurology (PN),

The PN Subspecialty is now calling for Application for Exit Assessment which will be held on 31st March 2020 (Tuesday). The PN Subspecialty Trainees who are eligible and would like to sit for the Exit Assessment please submit the application form and the required documents to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it by 21st January 2020 (Tuesday).

Please kindly find enclosed the Application Form, Summary of Training Record (Appendix I) and Record Sheet (Appendix II) of the PN Exit Assessment for your attention. The form can be downloaded from the College website → Subspecialties → PN →Announcements

Dr Karen Kwong

PN Subspecialty Board

Dated: 3rd December 2019


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