College Webinars on COVID-19 Vaccination for Adolescents
Dear College members
We are happy to share with you the news that our College is going to host a series of webinars via Youtube from 2 July to 9 July 2021 to introduce the existing mass COVID-19 vaccination programme to local adolescents and their parents as well as school teachers.
The details of these webinars can be found in this link College Webinars "All You Need to Know about COVID-19 Jabs"
Pre-registration is not required for joining these webinars.
Public could raise question via
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before the sessions.
College Secretariat
Hong Kong College of Paediatricians
本系列網絡研討會的詳細信息的連結 College Webinars "All You Need to Know about COVID-19 Jabs"
除了現場直播支持外, 觀眾亦可在每節播放之前把有關問題電郵致:
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Schedule of Five Webinars:
1) 2021年7月2日(星期五)11:45-13:00

( 講者:梁詩彥醫生及梁廷勳醫生)
Youtube Link:
2) 2021年7月5日(星期一)17:15-18:30 
( 講者:游日新醫生、龍振邦醫生、陳偉雄醫生及何寶琪醫生)
Youtube Link:
3) 2021年7月7日(星期三)12:45-14:00 
4) 2021年7月8日(星期四)14:15-15:30 
(講者: 關日華醫生及黃頌智醫生)
Youtube Link:
5) 2021年7月9日(星期五)12:45-14:00 
(講者:陸俊文醫生)mainly English
Youtube Link:
Remarks: The above links and pages are valid upto 9 Jul 2021.