Annual Subscription 2013

Annual Subscription 2013


Dear College Fellows, Please find attached the Notice for 2013 annual subscription for your attention. Kindly send in your payment on or before 31 January 2013.

Subspecialty of Paediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases (PIID )-Final Call for Application of First Fellows


To: All Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians Please spend a few minutes to read this IMPORTANT announcement about the Final Call for Application of First Fellows of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases (PIID). The application form is attached. Please also note that the deadline for application is 24th December 2012.   Dr Sik Nin WongSecretary, Working Group for Accreditation of Paediatric Subspecialties in Hong Kong

Announcement of the Application for Accreditation of Subspecialty of Paed Respiratory Medicine (PRM)


To All Fellow, Members and Associates of the College: Please read this IMPORTANT announcement about the application for accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine (PRM). As you have been informed before, the College has discussed the development of paediatric subspecialties, and developed a fair system of accrediting subspecialty programme. Announcements have been made in College Newsletters and forums for Fellows and subspecialty groups have been organized to explain the latest development.  The College is of the view that accreditation of subspecialties is a serious matter, and it should be stringent and responsible.  The definition of a subspecialty has to be based on the pre-requisite criteria set by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine and our College.  The College also has standard accreditation procedures of a proposed new subspecialty. So far College has accredited the Subspecialty of Paediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases (PIID) and this has already been approved by the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine. We now announce that our College has received an application for accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine (PRM). The application documents (The application forms, proposed training programme, curriculum vitae of external referees and programme leaders, and supporting letters from external referees) have been uploaded onto the College website for your information and downloading. Please follow the link below to obtain necessary information for application:  Application for Accreditation of Subspecialty of Paediatric Respiratory Medicine (PRM) A full set of the documents is also kept at the College Secretariat at Room 801, Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Jockey Club Building and interested Fellows can come to read them during office hours from Monday to Friday. In accordance with the pre-agreed logistics of handling any such application, we are making this announcement and inviting ALL Fellows, Members and Associates to give your comments on this application.  This is an important step in the future development of paediatric service and may also have a big impact on paediatric practice in hospitals and in private practice in future.  Please send in your comments on the proposal on or before 20th January 2013. The College will decide the way forward basing on the consensus opinion of our Fellows.     Dr CW ChanDirector of Subspecialty Boards20th November 2012  

Accreditation of the Subspecialty of Developmental Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP) - Call for Application of First Fellows


To All Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians Please spend a few minutes to read this IMPORTANT announcement about the Accreditation of the Subspecialty of Developmental Behavioural Paediatrics (DBP).  The College is also calling interested Fellows to apply for accreditation as FIRST FELLOW in the Subspecialty.  The application form is attached. Please also note that the deadline for application is 11th September 2012.  Dr Sik Nin WONG Secretary, Working Group for Accreditation of Paediatric Subspecialties in Hong Kong

Accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases (PIID) - Call for Application of First Fellows


To All Fellows of the Hong Kong College of Paediatricians Please spend a few minutes to read this IMPORTANT announcement about the Accreditation of the Subspecialty of Paediatric Immunology and Infectious Diseases (PIID). The College is also calling interested Fellows to apply for accreditation as FIRST FELLOW in the Subspecialty.  The application form is attached. Please also note that the deadline for application is 2nd November 2011.  Dr Sik Nin WONG Secretary, Working Group for Accreditation of Paediatric Subspecialties in Hong Kong

Second letter to Doctors from Centre of Food Saftey


Dear Fellows, Members and Associates of the College Please find attached an update on the above subject, for your information. College SecretariatHong Kong College of Paediatricians Letter dated 24 September 2008e-Form registration

Letter to Doctors from Centre of Food Safety


Dear All, Please find attached a letter from the Centre for Food Safety on the above subject, for your information and reference. College SecretariatHong Kong College of Paediatricians

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